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Big Helmet Heroes game logo
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Join the crazy knights of

Big Helmet Heroes

Découvrez un beat' em up 3D hilarant mêlant combat et aventure. Retrouvez les 29 adorables héros cachés dans de fantastiques royaumes et choisissez vos préférés pour sauver la princesse. Seul ou avec un ami, tentez de relever tous les défis!
Discover a hilarious 3D beat 'em up game that combines combat and adventure. Find the 29 adorable heroes hidden in fantastic kingdoms and choose your favorites to save the princess.Play solo or with a friend and try to overcome all the challenges!
Join the crazy knights of

Big Helmet Heroes

Discover a hilarious 3D beat 'em up game that combines combat and adventure. Find the 29 adorable heroes hidden in fantastic kingdoms and choose your favorites to save the princess.Play solo or with a friend and try to overcome all the challenges!
Découvrez un beat 'em up 3D hilarant mêlant combat et aventure. Retrouvez les 29 adorables héros cachés dans de fantastiques royaumes et choisissez vos préférés pour sauver la princesse. Seul ou avec un ami, tentez de relever tous les défis!
big helmet heroes characters game
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Big Helmet Heroes separator
warriors ready to fight in Big Helmet Heroes game

Epic and endearing heroes

Local co-op mode

warrior fighting in local co-op mode in Big Helmet Heroes game
knight crossing a bridge in the arcade video game Big Helmet Heroes

Hilarious battles

Vast and imaginative worlds

knights fighting in space in a beat'em up game
Epic and endearing heroes
Knights on a path in the beatem up game Helmet Heroes

Local co-op mode

Local co-op mode in arcade video game Big Helmet Heroes

Hilarious battles

In the video game Big Helmet Heroes, a knight crossing a bridge

Vast and imaginative worlds

Space combat in hack and slash Big Helmet Heroes